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My Coffee Shop has the freshest food in town!

We understand how hard it can be to find good advice when running or starting a coffee shop. There are many things to think about. We will try to write the things here that we think make a good coffee shop and we keep updating this all the time. Happy reading!

You are always welcome to meet up with us for a coffee. Please feel free to contact us with your enquiry. And of course remember that we teach courses about coffee and starting a coffee shop on a daily basis.

If you have a passion for serving delicious speciality coffee and if you enjoy socialising then you will most likely do very well. You have to really enjoy the job and the life.

When a customer walks in to your coffee shop and feels that you and your staff are happy and that you guys are enjoying your work then that has a massive impact. It creates a great atmosphere and your coffee shop will be a wonderful relaxing place to visit.


Our food is all made with natural, fresh ingredients that we source locally. Let us know if you have dietary restrictions - our friendly staff will help you find just the meal you want.

Customer Reviews

"This is sample review from a sample source." -- Sample Client, Location

"This is another sample review from another sample source." -- Sample Client, Location


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